Friday MLB Opportunities | July 26

Nelly’s has a 13-0 winner yesterday with the Rays – now 5-3 since the All-Star Break and on a 14-4 American League run! Don’t miss another AL winner Friday night or consider joining for August MLB! Bobby Dalton is stepping out with THREE picks…

Wednesday | MLB | 80% 2nd Half | July 24

Nelly’s is 4-1 since the All-Star Break for an 80% MLB run – check out Wednesday’s MLB 2-for-1 offer of consider an extended subscription! Nelly’s picked up over 75* in July and August in 2023 Baseball! Bobby Dalton has gone 8-6 in his last…

Perfect 2nd Half so far! | MLB | Monday | July 22

Nelly’s is 3-0 since the All-Star Break – don’t miss Monday’s Total! Join Nelly’s for our July/August package – we picked up over 75* in July/August 2023! Bobby Dalton is 8-4 in his last 12 MLB picks – get Monday’s Rivalry Side play: Green…

Sunday | Daytime MLB | July 21

Nelly’s is 2-0 out of the All-Star Break – get our Afternoon play Sunday! Bobby Dalton is on an 8-3 MLB run – check out Sunday’s side play: Green Sheet Issue #4 will be out early next week! Football is just around the corner!

1-0 start to 2nd Half | MLB | Saturday | 10-3 AL RUN

Nelly’s won last night to start the 2nd half, following a profitable 1st half of the MLB season! Nelly’s is on a current 10-3 run in American League picks – get Saturday’s AL TOTAL: Dalton had his MLB pick on Friday get rained out…

2nd Half MLB | Friday | July 19

Nelly’s and Bobby Dalton are ready to deliver in the 2nd Half of the MLB season! Join Nelly’s for our TOTAL for Friday night as we look to back up a winning and profitable 1st half of the season! Bobby Dalton has a 5star…

Dalton 8-1 MLB RUN | Sunday | July 14

Bobby Dalton is on an 8-1 MLB run – close the first half of the season with his Sunday EARLY game! Nelly’s looks to wrap up a profitable 1st half of the season with a win on the diamond on Sunday! Pay after you…

Saturday | MLB | July 13

Nelly’s wound up with a disappointing push in our 7* total last night – we’ are 2-0-1 the past three days and look to get in the win column Saturday night as a profitable 1st half of the season winds down. Bobby Dalton is…

Top Play Friday | MLB TOTAL | July 12

The final MLB series of the first half of the season start tonight! Nelly’s has enjoyed a profitable first half of the season and we are 2-0 the past two days with underdog wins! Don’t miss Friday’s 7* TOTAL TOP PLAY on the diamond…

Thursday | MLB | Afternoon Action | July 11

Nelly’s and Bobby Dalton were both winners on the diamond last night – get games on Thursday’s afternoon schedule! The first three Green Sheet issues have been published – get your 2024-25 season subscription today!